Two Passport Photos
Two passport photographs need to be handed in
alongside the application form for your
passport. These photos need to meet very
specific requirements. If these specific
requirements are not exactly met then the
application could take much longer or even
not be successful at all.
How and where to get your
passport photos taken
- Although you can use a professional
photographer to have your passport
photographs taken, if you are in the
United Kingdom another option is a
Photo-Me booth which are often found in
supermarkets and sometimes in post
- For our customers who do not live in the
UK, a professional photograph is
necessary as we cannot guarantee that
photographs taken in a photo booth
abroad meet the same standards as those
in the UK.
Important Note
Please note that applicants can only hold a maximum 2
passports at a time, regardless of whether they have
expired or not. If you have any undeclared second
passports, then you must state these with our team
members upon contact and application.
How to get correct photo
Your photographs need to be
- The standard size used in UK photo booths which
is: 45mm high, by 35mm wide
- printed by a professional or in a professional
- independent photographs in their own right, not
cut down from larger photographs or images
- in colour (black and white is not accepted) onto
plain white photo paper
- with a background of a colour that is either
plain cream or light grey
- with no perceivable difference between the two
pictures (i.e., identical to each other)
- Taken in the recent past, no older than 1 month
- with no tears, stains or creases
- without markings on either side, unless that
photograph requires a second signature
- not in any way altered by hand or computer
software, like Photoshop
- Please
click here for more information on the
The portrait must show
- the subject's head and shoulders
- the subject's eyes facing front with the head
angled directly towards the camera
- The subject's photograph should contain no other
items, people, food or animals. (there is no
exception to this rule for children)
- 29mm and 34mm from the top of the subject's head
to under the subject's chin
- An expressionless facial expression and lips
- a head which is in no way covered (unless the
head covering is being worn for medical or
religious purposes).
- Eyes which are not closed, with absolutely no
reflection or glare from lenses or glasses.
Another option is to entirely remove glasses for
the photo. Red-eye will invalidate your photos.
- Shadows will invalidate your photo.
- It is required that there is a distinct and
clear contrast between the subject's face and
the background of the photograph.