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Employer Support Letter


His Majesty's Passport Office requires a letter from your employer to support your application for a Second Passport stating the reasons for it. An Employer Support Letter must be provided for the following passport applications:

  • a first time Second British passport
  • a renewal of a Second British passport

Important Note

Please note that applicants can only hold a maximum 2 passports at a time, regardless of whether they have expired or not. If you have any undeclared second passports, then you must state these with our team members upon contact and application.

The letter must be

  • In the original hard copy format.
  • Printed on letter headed paper.
  • No older than one month (as shown by the date).

The letter must contain

The Employer Support Letter should be addressed to His Majesty's Passport Office and must contain:

Your information:

  • Full name of the applicant.
  • The title/position of the applicant within the company.
  • How long they have been employed by the company for (state month and year of joining).

The information of the employer

  • Name of the person signing the letter. This person must hold a higher position in the company than the applicant or be a financial controller/accountant.
  • Signature of this person.
  • Telephone number of this person in case His Majesty's Passport Office has any queries relating to the application.
  • Newly-formed companies must be VAT registered.
  • You cannot sign the Employer Support Letter on your own behalf if you are self-employed.

A statement explaining the reason for requiring a second passport

For example, that the applicant is required to travel to various countries whilst applying for a visa and thus needs a second passport to travel during it's processing. You must then list at least 6 countries where a visa will be required. Countries might include India, China, Russia, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia etc. It must also state that you will be travelling to these countries in the next few years and confirm that the applicant will return to the United Kingdom after the business trip.

If you have doubts on your eligibility to apply for a Second British Passport, contact Rapid British Passports.


(Company name) ___________________
(Company address) _________________
(Company address) _________________

His Majesty's Passport Office

Date__________________(No longer than one month before application)

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to confirm that ___________________________ (applicant's first and last name) has been employed by this company as a _____________________ (job title) for ______________(length of employment). He has been in our employment since _____________________(employment start date).

_______________________(applicant's full name) is a frequent traveller and therefore is in need of a second passport as we anticipate several trips over the coming years. Several countries that he will be travelling to will require visas and therefore we would request a second passport so he may obtain these visas while he travels.

_____________________(applicant's name) will be expected to travel to ________________________________________________________________________________(list 6 countries that require visas) over the next few years.

We can confirm that he will be returning to the United Kingdom to resume employment with this company after these trips. Please assist him in obtaining a second passport allowing him to travel.

If you require any further information with regards to _______________________(applicant's name) employment with this company, please do not hesitate to contact me on the number below.

Yours sincerely,
___________________ (Employer Signature)
___________________ (Employer's printed name)
___________________ (Employer's title)
___________________ (Employer's phone number)

Check the application process for a Second Passport and order it online

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© Rapid Visas Ltd. 2007 - 2019. All Rights Reserved.
Registered in England and Wales, Company no. 06400012

*Disclaimer: We are a private company and this is a commercial website to apply for a passport applications. You will be charged a fee for using our services. You are also able to apply directly through the His Majesty's Passport Office where you will not pay any additional service fees. Should you wish to apply directly with the embassy you may do so here